7 Reasons to Visit Your Esthetician Today

An esthetician is a licensed cosmetology professional who is trained in skin therapies and treatments. In order to become a qualified esthetician, a professional has to complete hundreds of hours of training, written and practical examinations, and continue their education to discover the latest advancements in skin therapies.

Different estheticians specialize in different areas. Furthermore, every spa offers different procedures on their menu. Some of the basic treatments that are generally available include facials, extractions, acne treatments, microdermabrasion, superficial chemical peels, body wraps, masks, and scrubs, waxing and hair removal, and tanning.

At day spas, salons, and medi-spas, these skin therapists specialize in a number of skincare procedures including full body treatments, superficial chemical peels, waxing and hair removal, facials and skin tightening techniques using advanced beauty technology such as Venus Viva.

In addition to skin care—relaxation, confidence, and stress relief are also the primary benefits of visiting a professional esthetician in Rockaway Park regularly. Here are 7 more reasons to schedule a visit with an experienced esthetician today.  

Get An Expert Analysis Of Your Skin.

Not only is your skin the largest organ in the body, it is also the fastest-growing one. The skin is a complicated organ with up to seven layers of tissue that serves a variety of functions including protection, temperature regulation, production of vitamins, and more. Perhaps no other organ in your body demands as much attention and care as your skin does.

But in order to provide your skin with what it needs, it is important to know what type of skin you have. This is where a professional esthetician in Rockaway Park is indispensable. By evaluating your skin sans any makeup or product buildup, an esthetician can determine your true skin type and then recommend the best treatments suited for your needs.

Advice On The Best Products For Your Skin.

Every drugstore contains a host of skin products, all of which promise to be the singular answer to your skincare troubles. Added to this, every magazine and advertisement touts a different skincare product as the best. With so many options out there, how do you know which one to choose and which one would be the most effective for your skin type?

Simple – ask your esthetician. Not only do estheticians use the best professional products to revitalize your skin, they can also give you valuable advice about which skincare products you ought to add to your daily skincare regimen at home.

Keep Aging At Bay.

Professional estheticians are always focused on anti-aging products and procedures. As you age, your skin begins to show the travails of the years before in the form of wrinkles, spotting, and sagging. Along with the damage caused by the elements, your skin also has to deal with reduced production of proteins like collagen and elastin which affect the tone and elasticity of your skin. An esthetician can help you keep their signs of aging at bay by using a variety of preventative procedures.

At Spa Rockaway near Manhattan, treatments like the Organic Customized Facial uses seaweed-based products to reverse the telltale signs of aging. You will also find that brown sun spots, other vascular marks, and discoloration all but disappear with the Venus Photo Facial IPL procedure.

Prevention of Potential Skin Issues.

Professional facials are not just for beautifying in the short term. These fast fixes also offer long-term benefits. Visiting a professional esthetician is an investment in the future health of your skin. The keen eye of an esthetician will pick up any signs of potentially serious skin problems, so you can get the right medical intervention at the right time.

Minimize Existing Skin Imperfections.

Regularly scheduled esthetic treatments help in minimizing skin imperfections and problems. From fine lines, wrinkles, and spotting related to aging, to reducing redness, acne and rosacea correction, boosting collagen production, and achieving perfect balance of oil and moisture in your skin, your esthetician can help sort out skin issues so you can achieve the healthy and youthful complexion you crave. Use your monthly visits to the esthetician to get treatments that you cannot get at home. Procedures like laser hair removal, body contouring, and advanced facial treatments are effective options to choose from.

There Is No Substitute To Expert Exfoliation And Extraction.

Most drugstore brands that claim to exfoliate your skin actually do more damage than good. Professional exfoliation with non-abrasive high quality products help to remove dead skin cells, while deep-cleaning the residual buildup of grease, dirt, and pollution from the inner layers of your skin. Such treatments help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of premature aging. Using specialized tools such as the Venus Viva and professional methods, estheticians clear your skin of blackheads and redness.

Enjoy Some Well-Deserved Relaxation and Stress Relief.

Research shows that your skin reflects your state of mind as well as your overall lifestyle. Stress generally leads to skin that looks and feels unhealthy. Few things work as well as professional skincare to give you a healthy and glowing complexion. Along with the many benefits of facials and other esthetic procedures, a visit to the esthetician also makes for a very relaxing time, and is a great way to pamper yourself.

Owner of Spa Rockaway, Pat Rorke is a licensed New York state esthetician who is also certified in Reiki, Gua Sha, Face Yoga, and Facial Reflexology. She is best known for developing her Skin Fitness Facial Program which is designed to target every layer of your skin. This holistic skin rejuvenation program focuses on enhances the natural glow of your skin from deep within. Get maximum benefits of professional skincare by choosing the right esthetician in Rockaway Park. Schedule a visit with us today!

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