What is Wellness?

We often hear the term wellness whether it’s on the TV, in a magazine, or when talking to friends or family. But what does wellness actually mean and how can you ensure that being ‘well’ is an integral part of your life.

Wellness is more than just the absence of illness. Wellness is about optimizing our physical, mental, and emotional state of being. Yes, it’s about taking steps to improve our health, but it’s also about ensuring our lives as a whole are as well balanced and happy as it’s possible to make them. Wellness is not about never experiencing difficult times; rather it’s about improving our resilience and thriving despite the circumstances.

So, how can we work towards wellness? The first thing to remember is that you don’t have to do everything at once and baby steps will probably get you there faster than trying to do too much, too soon, and then experiencing a setback.

Physical Health

When it comes to physical health there is a great deal we can do to help ourselves. We all know that we should be eating a balanced diet and a key area of this is making sure that the majority of our food is made up of foods that are in their natural state. That is they don’t come in a box with a lengthy list of ingredients on the side. The more we can cook from scratch at home, the clearer the view we have of what we are fuelling our bodies with.

It’s also key to limit the amount of sugar, alcohol, and caffeine we consume and to drink plenty of water to keep our bodies hydrated. If you need to radically alter your diet, try to introduce more healthy options gradually so that you get used to eating in a different way. Alongside eating more healthily, you also need to move your body more. However, if it’s going to be a habit that sticks, make exercise something you enjoy. That could be walking more, swimming, dancing, or any other activity that makes you feel alive.

If you have health issues that you are concerned about then it’s always wise to get them checked out with a doctor as early as possible. Make sure you are taking care of yourself by setting up a regular schedule of health appointments, including eye, hearing, and dental checks. Being proactive about our own health is an important element of overall wellness. 

Mental and Emotional Health

Our mental and emotional health is a big factor in our wellness. Reducing stress levels and maintaining a more positive outlook can be hugely helpful in increasing our resilience to life’s ups and downs.

If you have particular areas you want to address then it can be helpful to connect with a mental health professional that specializes in your area of concern. Many people feel reluctant to reach out and seek support, but our mental health can cause just as much suffering as any physical ailment, so don’t be afraid to seek the help you need.

More generally our support network can have a big impact on how well we thrive and how high our wellness levels are.   A great deal of research has shown that spending time with friends and family has many benefits to our overall health, so invest time in building relationships.

Finally, when it comes to our emotional wellbeing, don’t underestimate the benefits of sleep. Getting plenty of good quality sleep has a huge impact on our mental and physical health. If you struggle to sleep then make sure you are taking a digital detox regularly and prioritizing time for relaxation. 


Many of us put the needs of others before ourselves, whether that’s at home or work. While it’s good to care for others, it’s also vital to prioritize our own self-care as you can’t do your best for others when you are running on empty.

Self-care can mean a wide range of things. Partly it’s taking time for yourself to spend on activities you enjoy; whether that’s reading, taking part in sport, crafting, or learning a new skill. It can also be prioritizing relaxation, maybe heading to the spa for a facial or massage, listening to a guided meditation, or simply taking some time out to watch your favorite TV show. 

Build mini routines into your life so that self-care isn’t just something you do when you have time for it, but rather it’s an integral part of your life. It’s vital to schedule self-care time, like you would any other priority.

Wellness is not something that exists outside of ourselves as a goal to work towards; rather it’s the little steps we take every day to improve our own health and vitality. Let’s all make wellness an integral part of our lives, not only will it benefit us as individuals, but it will also benefit the wider world.

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Leawood Studio provides design and marketing solutions for beauty industry professionals.


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